01202 022992
BH12 1PN, Poole, UK

Mechanical, Electrical and Public Health (MEP) Design

your business, changing lives

Mechanical, Engineering and Public Health (MEP) Consultants

Running your MEP design consultancy is not easy…

Setting up and running your MEP design consultancy takes real effort.

First you need the training and the skills. Then there’s the equipment and software to say nothing about the insurance cover you need to carry to secure projects and the tendering process.

Working with other consultants we found the common themes were:

– Tendering and securing the work directly or through other design engineers

– Paying your staff

– Doing the bookkeeping to maintain the accurate financial records for the taxman

– How much and how to pay yourself as Director

– Getting YOUR time back to focus on the technical design work you do best

We can help you with all this, help guide you, help you build your business and moreover become the entire finance function for your design consultancy. A virtual financial director if you like.

If you are ready to explore how we could work together, get in touch by clicking the link below to book in a discover call.