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Month: August 2022

your business, changing lives


The value of cashflow forecasting for your business

Projecting your cashflow pipeline forwards is vital. To be able to navigate the future path of your cashflow, you need to start forecasting – so you can map out your financial position over the coming months and can take the appropriate action to safeguard your cash position. Plus, when you have access to detailed forecasts…
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Great reasons to shorten your workweek

Okay, there probably aren’t a lot of people who need to be convinced that a shorter workweek is a great idea. Small business owners, however, might be on the list of people who need a little encouraging. After all, every day they take off could mean a longer day to make up for the missed…
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3 Tips for Working Smarter and Gaining Personal Time

You’ve probably heard the maxim that it’s better to work smarter than harder. Working smarter means allocating your time, energy and money so vital tasks get done more efficiently, freeing up your personal time. Too many business owners think they must keep working harder—taking on more responsibilities and working longer hours—to be successful. It makes…
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What’s your out ?

What’s your out ? By that I mean how have you planned life beyond running your business?   We all go into business to eventually leave it behind so making sure you have a plan to do so is vital.   As we help our clients grow we are always looking ahead to the next…
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4 tips for hiring staff

Hiring staff can be an exciting time, because it means expansion and growth in a business. Sometimes, however, companies grow before they’re ready to. Small business owners think their businesses look more professional with more staff so they hire people when they don’t need to. Here are four tips for hiring staff, and being certain…
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Efficient business systems really pay off

Too many businesses fall over because the owner has not established efficient business systems. This typically happens because the business owner is so caught up in the day-to day running of the business that the fundamentals of good business management get forgotten. Often too it must be said that the owner simply doesn’t like bookkeeping…
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